Saturday 25 October 2008

ShanaLogic! Coolest shop everrr

I was looking for tote bags and stuff yesterday instead of doing my Extended Essay (I know, I am THE best when it comes to procrastination!) and I found this AWESOME shop online called ShanaLogic! It's an indie kind of shop, and I was just blown away by their products!!

This store has every kind of thing: From cute to punk to stylish. I am not the kind of girl who wears pink stuff, but I seriously fell for the pink stuff here; it's just so great!

Besides, by buying the products in this store you're helping the artists who make these products by hand (yes! No mass production here).

If you're looking for an alternative style and out-of-the-ordinary products, this is the place to shop!

Thursday 16 October 2008

Una historia increiblemente sucia pero chistosa.

Atención!! La siguiente historia contiene elementos pornográficos y humor sucio. Se recomienda que no lo lea si usted es un retrógrada, conservador o de mente cuadrada.

La gerencia.

Bueno, nuestra corta pero muy cómica historia comienza en clase de biología. En clase "higher" tuvimos un examen aburrido...Uno de esos examenes en el que uno cree que le fue bien pero después resulta que te dieron una nota que podés contar con los dedos de una mano. Pero ese no es el punto.

Despues sonó la campana y vinieron todos los de "standard". Y después de que el profesor repatió unos trabajos calificados (yo saqué 50 en como que 3 de los 4 trabajos...mierda!) se puso a hablar de glándulas y solo el (y Alex) saben de que más.

Y llegué al punto en el que sólo tomaba notas y pensaba en la inmortalidad del cangrejo, cuando escucho al profesor decir "...pero no levantarían la pierna al mismo tiempo que la mano" (claro, en inglés). Todos se reían, y yo quería saber cual era el chiste, así que le pregunté a Ute. "Hablaba de cuando ponés la mano en algo caliente", me explicó ella.

Claro, yo de chistosita, respondí, "y si ves una cuca* al mismo tiempo?" Y Ute dijo, "O si tocas una cuca caliente."

Nos reímos porque la idea de una cucaracha caliente es bastante chistosa, pero después yo le encontré el lado sucio (los que entienden van a pensar que soy una graaaan malpensada! Los que no entienden, abajo hay una pequeña explicación). Me sorprende que Ute no lo haya visto primero...Igual nos retorcíamos de la risa en nuestros banquitos.

Más tarde, ya a la noche en casa, me puse lo que Ute dijo en mi nombre del messenger, y nos reímos un poco más. Eso, por alguna razón, me puso a pensar que alguien podría ser lo suficientemente estúpido como para tener algún negocio llamado "La Cucaracha Caliente". Le pregunté a Ute, "si tuvieras un establecimiento que se llamara 'La Cucaracha Caliente', que sería?" Y casi simultaneamente, ella contesto, "prostíbulo", y yo dije "lastimosamente, suena a prostíbulo de mala muerte". Y me dio un tremendo ataque de risa...La Cucaracha Caliente, el prostíbulo más "in" de la ciudad!

Y en resumen, queridos lectores y no lectores y otras personas en general, esa es la divertida, corta y muy sucia historia.

Hasta la próxima, mis queridos camellos flambeados (no pregunten).

* "Cuca" (además de ser una manera corta de decir cucaracha) es un término coloquial para las 'partes' de una mujer. xD Ya saben, ahi abajo.

Sunday 12 October 2008

It's application time! And I feel like baking cookies.

Soon, I will have to start my college applications.

Actually, I should've already started, which kind of fucks up the part of my plan dealing with schoolwork. I think. My ability to reason and organize things logically has long been lost. An IB side effect, my dear friends! And the fact that I cannot use an agenda like a normal human (I've tried, really, but I end up drawing in the pages and whatnot).

Either way, today we were supposed to bake cookies, which made me really happy. There is nothing that pleases my inner kid more than eating hot, gooey cookies and burning my pallate in the process. But then my mom went into the hysterics because we only had one egg left, so no cookies. I needed that stress reliever so badly...But oh well, apparently hip hop songs also work. And not just any hip hop songs, 3OH!3 songs! I am obsessed with those guys.

What else is new in my world?
There are pidgeons fluttering around and doing strange noises in the roof.
This is kind of old news, but I've been working on a new story, published in deviantART. Hopefully, someday I'll be done with part 3. SOMEDAAY.
I ate lots of brownies today. Not that it's a good thing.
I'm on a diet because, apparently, my nutrition sucks.
And, of course, deadlines are gaining up on me. Although I already said that.

That's about it for now, m'dears. I am off to study for my geography test, because I need to pull up my 5 to a 5.5* and this is my last chance! I really want that 4.0 GPA!

Thank you to whoever reads this, and thank you for the comments. They really make my day. :)

Until whenever I feel like writing!

* In IB, a 5.5 is the rough equivalent of an 8. With all grades above 5.5, you automatically achieve a GPA of 4.0 (out of 4, of course). I am assuming that geography is the only grade I have with a grade lower than 5.5. Let's hope my assumptions are correct and that I manage to pull it up to a 5.5, because Cal 1 (aka the first quarter of the year, followed by Cal 2, the mocks or practice exams and the IB exams) is the most significant when it comes to college applications.

Monday 6 October 2008

Stress, stress and more stress.

My sister can't sing! Seriously. Which is the reason why right now I'm wishing I was dead.

Not to mention the IB is killing me. At least today I left school earlier because I had some matters to attend in the Spanish embassy...But either way, I still have lots of work to get through and a geography test tomorrow.

Of course, there is the matter of the extended essay, which I have not begun yet and is due the 31st of this month! Which is also the day the first quarter ends and the day my geography coursework is due. Kill me please.

To top it all off, guess who's back in town? Well, not really. He's just in my mind a lot. But yes, the ex! After I thought I had him out of my head, he's been back in there these past few days and I really miss him. Oh, senior year is such crap.

Saturday 13 September 2008

Why yes, I do like yaoi couples!

I saw a bunch of Bleach episodes last night, so my Bleach-loving self has come back to life.

And with it, my obsession with Yaoi couples.

But there is a slight difference, I guess. I have new couples in mind. Last time, I liked Renji + Ichigo, Renji + Byakuya and I can't remember what else.

But this time, I started off with a Gin + Izuru obsession. I am not sure why; I think it has to do with an episode I saw...Aww.

Yay! I love how Izuru is all submissive, quiet and has this air of innocence and Gin is all secretive, possesive, powerful and evil! You can clearly tell who's seme and who's uke here! They complement each other in a weird but cutely attractive way.

Renji and Shuuhei are both rather violent and seem like tough guys with a hard shell (although you can see him melt when with Rukia sometimes...), but I imagine that if they got together or something they would be totally sweet with each other. How nice. Or maybe they have the rough stuff going on! Either way, aww. And this doesn't mean that RukiRen or RenIchi are out of the picture!

That's it for now. Maybe I shall post more later...Who knows.

Tuesday 2 September 2008

A quick note...

Every day that goes by it gets worse, it burns more.

Every night that we talk and he leaves without mentioning that he still loves me, I die a little inside.

I've been dying too much lately.

But I rather endure the pain and wait for him to come back to me than lose him forever.

I want Chinese food, damnit.

I have been craving Chinese food for about 3 weeks. I KID YOU NOT.

And I think I have no homework. But I'm so scared of not having any that I'll finish both my math and geography classworks. And then I'll probably read. This is sooo fucked up.

So yeah, the other day someone said "Luli's an atheist" and, impulsively, I said (a little too loudly) "Yeah!". This was followed by an awkward silence, but nobody came forth with any negative remarks about my lack of faith. I was pretty happy about that. And if anyone decides to come at me with crap about my political views, I'm ready to defend myself. Although I don't think anyone cares enough to bring it up more than my cousin's boyfriend did when he said libertarian socialism is the same as anarchy and then recommended me a movie. He's a funny dude, so I know there was no harm intended there.

Plus, I found this in his profile pictures:

Thus making him automatically awesome. 'Nuff said.

In other news, my life still sucks when it comes to love. I can't give up on ze ex, neither do I want to. Despite him being more quiet than usual and appearing a little lifeless in our (somewhat awkward) conversations, I can't stop thinking how much I love him. I would, indeed, sell my soul to go back to the way we used to be, but I guess no can do. I am hoping this is a matter of time, and I have gravely considered throwing some Canadian universities' info into his house through the living room window or something and then making a dash for it, but I think I'd get thrown into the loony bin for sure. Plus I'd have to get there in a car anyway. Duh. Altogether, there are too many factors that make my fantasy a very far-fetched thing. I still manage to get some things (Vancouver Film School, for one) into the conversation every now and then.

As for me, I made it quite clear to the counselor that I am not interested in going to college in the United States. Now I only have to get my parents to understand that. My mom has a hard time dealing with it; I've been saying I want to go to Canada for over a year and she still makes appointments with people who deal with scholarships for the U.S. and whatnot. What the hell, mom. Seriously. I believe nobody around here has any faith in my abilities to get into a Canadian university with a scholarship. Well, I hope I have those abilities, at least. Otherwise, yeah, I'm pretty much screwed. Well, nothing beats my mom's suggestion about applying to a university in Japan just because there are scholarship opportunities. And Prince Edward (in Canada) is off the list because a) the environmental science page looks suspicious and unprofessional and b) as le ex informed, "prince edward" is another name for a dick piercing. Huh. There's something I didn't know.

Well, looks like I'm not having dinner. Chinese food or bust! I guess I get the bust because no one here is willing to contribute to my cause.

Oh! And I finally updated Billy Buttonhead. I feel like someone has poured bleach into my creative brain part. I blame school for that! Damn you, IB!

Alas, I must return to my school chores. Sigh/grunt.
